me too

So I was biking out of work after a late day, and just as I was getting moving, BAM, I fell again, on some train tracks. (see second post). It was about as harmless of a fall as possible, and I probably could have stayed on my feet had I been more aware. I think all I got was a small scrape on my knee. Regardless, I fell and I felt stupid. I mean, I made this exact same mistake just a few weeks ago, and acknowledged that it was an important learning experience. Did I really just make that same mistake?

As I was recomposing myself from being mildly embarrassed, and making sure my bike was ok, some lady on her bike pulled up next to me and asked me if I was ok. She went on to explain how the exact same thing happened to her the other day, and that she saw people fall at that same spot all the time. Obviously, I knew I wasn’t the first person to fall at that spot, but it was a huge relief to hear someone else tell me that.

I’m pretty self-centered, and I get caught up in my own struggles all the time. It’s easy to forget other people make mistakes, especially when you’re in a new situation and you feel like you’re screwing up all the time.

I think there’s a quote that says something like, “The most comforting words in the world are, me too.” That’s a big part of why I wanted to start this blog, to remind people that other people are out there taking risks and falling on their bikes. Maybe it will encourage you to take a risk, or at least feel some comfort when you fall.

from ken

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