half-baked idea: mandatory taco tuesday sessions @TriangleCharBar

One of my favorite things about Christianity is the idea of the bible study. You can tell a bunch of Christians at a church, at a school, wherever, tell them you're going to hold a bible study, and handfuls of people will gather together willing to discuss deep and personal life matters. People will bring their struggles and open up into deep serious life conversation. Since I love deep conversations I thought this was great. For me, my next thought was: how to translate this phenomenon into secular culture? 

If you've read my artist's statement, and sidenote - yes, I consider myself an artist. If you've read it, you know I believe people need to engage in more real conversations, and use those conversations as a springboard to do cool shit. 

I've spent a lot of time thinking about this question: How to translate the deep conversation phenomenon of bible study into secular culture? And so far my answer is Taco Tuesdays. Sudeep, Sudeep, Daniel, Sean, and Keith are familiar with this event since I drag them out just about every other week. Taco Tuesdays is my attempt to bring deep conversations into med student life. We usually chat about topics like what sort of legacy we want to leave, our relationships, and generally deconstruct life. I can't speak for all of them, but I usually come out of it feeling a little lighter and tad less burnt out. 

Triangle Char & Bar is a bar in West Ashley, just over the bridge on Savannah Highway:

They have great nachos and burgers, but they're at their best for broke med students on Tuesdays. They have $3 tacos, Corona's, and margaritas. Thus, Taco Tuesdays. Plus, they have an overall great vibe with outdoor seating when it's warm. Full disclosure, I did not receive any supplemental income from Triangle, but if anyone from Triangle happens to read this, I am 100% open to receiving free beers. 

So anyways, this has been a drawn our explanation, but my half-baked idea is that all med students should have their own Taco Tuesday. Everyone should have a space to share life, drink some beer, reflect a little bit, and talk shit about life. 

Oh, and let me know if you want to join Taco Tuesdays/start your own Taco Tuesdays. I would love to help. 

see you on the other side,

from ken

enjoy sidenote in 140 characters or less @kensidenotelife.


  1. I will definitely be visiting on a Tuesday to take advantage of this. Question: Triangle Char + Bar < or > or = to Deschutes?

  2. Probably >. We can easily walk there and it's cheaper. Not as epic/cool though.

    1. Those are two huge pros. But probably less epic bathrooms at TCB, I would imagine.

    2. The bathrooms at Deschutes are the best in the world hands down.
