A running diary of the day before exam day, the craziest day of study week. Enjoy,
5:20 AM: Wake up.
5:21 AM: 5 pushups. Need to train for library muscle club. Also I made up a theory that if you exercise in the morning you can adapt your circadian clock. I really want to be a morning person.
6:03 AM: Arrive wellness center. I've always wondered.. couldn't they just call it the gym? Also, can they build more basketball courts?

7:25 AM: Start studying.
7:50 AM: First friend comes over to chat about Henderson Hasselbalch equation. Day of social studying officially begins.
8:07 AM: Just finished my tea. I think I'm a little dehydrated from Taco Tuesday last night with Katie. $3 tacos and Coronas, come on. What should I do to retain more water.. ! Consume salt to upregulate ADH. Start eating chips.
8:49 AM: Receive second question about Henderson Hasselbalch.
11:35 AM: Calling every possible phone number at the med school I used to work at to try and figure out how to get them to mail me my W2. I hate talking to administrators. I hate taxes. No wonder so many rich famous people get arrested for taxes.
12:33 PM: Back to procrastinating. Just read this interview question with Dirk Nowitzki:
1:37 PM: Play Calvin Harris - 18 Months for the fourth or fifth time in the past two days.
1:42 PM: Pissed off at world.
2:43 PM: Group ME studying. Everyone dying. Send help.
3:15 PM: Three people sleeping on couches behind us. Everyone zonked.
3:24 PM: The last time we had an exam was before Christmas, almost two months ago. There's a TON of material on this exam. So much stuff I haven't covered. I could focus on the anatomy, the renal, the biochemistry.. this is going to be a hard test.
3:42 PM: There's a soccer game on in the corner. These commercials are more interesting than nucleotide metabolism.
Tripp: Dude, getting to dUMP is difficult. Dump is definitely going on the test.
3:56 PM: Debating giving up for the night. Should we just give up?
Daniel goes home to take nap. Two students behind us still napping.
4:23 PM: Going over caffeine lecture. Need more coffee.
4:38 PM: Should we be studying in a room? We're being kind of loud, gathering six chairs and sitting around to talk shit.
5:06 PM: Going over defense mechanisms. Why are we tested over these poorly defined terms? What's the difference between denial/suppression/repression.
Paras throws crumpled paper at trash can, misses.
Keith: You suck at basketball.
Sudeep: It's ok Paras, Keith is just projecting at you.
5:30 PM: Percussing ourselves. Sudeep has reticuloendothelial disease.
5:38 PM: Did you know - if you have white poop you might have pancreatic cancer.
5:38 PM: 13 med students surrounding each other and freaking out. Do intercalated ducts modify secretions? The syllabus says BOTH things! Serious crisis occurring. Everybody yelling at me to stop blogging about it. Richard egging on chaos.
5:50 PM: Mass migration from library, everyone burned out on library chaos.
5:51 PM: Library push up set.
5:56 PM: Girl glares at us. Getting too loud.
6:10 PM: Jonathan busts out break dancing move. Wish I was that cool.
6:30 PM: Depart for home. Drink beer. Study FPC, histo. Pray.
Hope you survive.
See you on the other side,
from ken
taking requests for future blog posts. please comment or email.
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